Today saw our third, and penultimate, convergence session.

Again, we were using the Adobe Connect Room kindly lent to us by our sponsor LTSIG and as with previous sessions the participants hailed from all corners of the globe.  It also featured our second guest speaker: Muriel Garreta Domingo.

Muriel spoke about her experience with the Handson MOOC as well as her experiences with the Learning Design Process. It was an extremely interactive session with lots of talk of reflection and heuristics.

Participants spoke about the importance of reflection, and how it’s not always possible to find time to reflect, despite it being key to our development.  The fact that the TaD EVO session encourages reflection was seen as a positive aspect.  Reflection is also important, as mistakes can happen in the classroom, both by the teacher and the students.  It was agreed that it’s important to acknowledge these mistakes and have a process in place to enable us to learn from them. As the participants agreed,  we as teachers, are also learners within the classroom.



Muriel also shared with us the links to two videos by IDEO.  One which talks about Design Thinking in Education and another which focuses on the smaller details of Design Thinking.

For many the session ended all too quickly, and if this had been a face to face session the discussion would have almost certainly continued during the coffee break!  Needless to say it was a very successful session with participants leaving motivated and ready to address their heuristics before moving onto Week 4.

Next Sunday 6th February we will have the final TaD EVO Convergence Session, and look forward to seeing many of you there and hearing more about the development of your project.  Until then, here is the link to the recording of this session.

Third Convergence Session: A Summary
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